Webinar Series 1: COVID-19 and Genetics Impact on MS – Watch Now

Bringing us up to speed: The latest in MS and COVID, and some exciting NZ based research into genetics and MS

On Saturday 12th September the New Zealand Multiple Sclerosis Research Trust was delighted to present the first in its new webinar series. We know that research makes a real difference to the outcomes for people with MS, and the Trust is committed to not only funding the research, but also updating our community on the latest developments. While the current climate makes the much-anticipated MS Research Day impossible, our new webinar series brings this research direct to your home.

Revisit webinar 1 and watch as our our two speakers provide updates on the latest findings into how Multiple Sclerosis and COVID-19 have interacted to date, and exciting developments in genetic research.

Dr Justin O’Sullivan, PhD is an Associate Professor & Associate Director for Research at the Liggins Institute at the University of Auckland. His PhD Student Sreemol Gokuladhas is looking into genetic variants in muscle disorders, and together they will speak about the latest research and understanding of the connection between genetics and MS.

Dr Ernie Willoughby is well known as one of the leading NZ experts in MS. Dr Willoughby gives an update on the most recent insights into how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting PwMS, their access to treatment and their lifestyles. While the research is still in its early stages, interesting insights are emerging about how MS, DMTs and Covid-19 interact. Dr Willoughby is always a great source of sensible knowledge for our community.

Watch the recording here:


And don’t miss out on our other events:

Webinar Series 2: Saturday 26th September – Advances in aHSCT – Register here

Webinar Series 3: Saturday 10th October – Impacts of Cognition and Lifestyle Modifications in MS – Register here


The MS Research Trust: Why we are here

The goal of the MS Research Trust is to stimulate, co-ordinate and support New Zealand-based research into the cause, prevention, treatment, alleviation and cure of Multiple Sclerosis, and to disseminate research findings. We were established in 2015 with donations from MSNZ and the MS Auckland Region Trust, and we continue to seek donations to support the research being undertaken. The Trust:

• Collaborates with partners to fund research that helps people with MS;

• Informs people about research findings;

• Uses fact-based research findings to improve the lives of people with MS.

NZMSRT is funded by donations and bequests. If you would like to support the work of the trust please donate here https://givealittle.co.nz/org/nzmsrt/

If you’d prefer to donate directly, please go here for our bank account details.

Find out more here: www.oldms.sitereview.nz

Or contact us here: administrator@nzmsrt.nz

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